it also underscores the need for increased oversight
turkey knocks six zeros off lira More importantly, they replica gucci handbags said, this spending highlights failures in how the program was implemented and the confusion surrounding which businesses should have been entitled to the money. It also underscores the need for increased oversight especially when gucci replica bags the government decides which loans to forgive outright."If you have enough capital to spend it on billboards, maybe you shouldn't have been one of the companies to receive this loan," said Liz Hempowicz, director of public policy at the Project On Government Oversight (POGO), a nonprofit watchdog group. "The responsibility really rested with the SBA and the administration to make sure they were spending replica designer backpacks these taxpayer dollars in a way that Congress intended."Linda aaa replica bags Ferrell, a business ethics professor at Auburn University, said companies receiving taxpayer subsidized funds should have best repli...